
Many of the transcriptions found here are now in published form. They have been published by the Orange County Genealogical Society (in Goshen, New York). Volume 3 includes my Volume 3 and Volume 5. Volume 4 includes my four parts of New Milford history. There is a planned Volume 5, which will include my Volumes 6, 7, and 8, Part 1, which is about 250 transcriptions. They can be purchase through the Genealogical Society. Just Google them and print out the order form. Or they can be purchased from the Warwick Historical Society. They are also on sale at the gift shop at Baird's Tavern. I would like to thank the Genealogical Society and Dan Burrows for their efforts. Started a new blog for images of Warwick. Go to:

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

New Milford News Items of Days Gone By

This posting is similar to the previous one. All of these items appeared in the Warwick Valley Dispatch. All items are direct quotes unless enclosed in parentheses.

The dance at High Breeze on Saturday evening, was grand success, New Milford and vicinity being represented by Mr. and Mrs. L.J. Buchanan, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. John Henderson, Mr. and Mrs. Hartman Utter, Mr. Roy Leeper, Mr. S. Weymer; also Mr. and Mrs. Fred Decker of Warwick.

(The Dispatch did a survey on the peach yield in Warwick and Vernon Township. The crop that year varied from one-third to one-half of the normal yield. Prices ranged from $1.25 to 2.50 for baskets, and from $2.75 to $4.00 for fancy carries. In the New Milford-Edenville district were the following growers: John C. Drew, 2000; E.G. Steibling, 6000; J.B. Rhodes, 3000; J.H. Wood, 1750; G.W. Hyatt, 4000; R. Jennings, 500; James Jeffers, 500; Wm. VanDervort, 400; J.H. Ryerson, 800; Harry Vail, 2500; Rhodes & Mott, 1500.)

(Harry Vail went to Sloatsburg with Nate Carr and John C. Drew to pick up Mr. Carr's stolen horse. Nate Carr and John Drew returned to Mr. Drew's touring car, and Harry Vail drove the horse home. In Monroe, he stopped to buy a new horse blanket. He picked a bright red one to match his ruddy cheeks and his red tie. The combination proved to be too much for a local Sherlock Holmes, who darted out in front of the rig and demanded Mr. Vail to stop. Mr. Vail had to establish his identity with the locals and explain his relationship to the horse. Before moving on, his fat pocketbook was lightened a bit to treat the members of the Monroe Horse Thief Detective Association.)

John C. Drew has sold a torpedo-type Marion car to R.D. Wallace of Vernon, for $2,000, taking in exchange Mr. Wallace's Winton.

Will VanDervort tied a couple of dogs in his peach orchard recently to watch and protect his crop, but some kind-hearted neighbors, who knew the dogs did not like the job, released them from the leash, and next morning the doggies were wagging their tails complacently on Mr. V's doorstep.

(All New Milford was in town attending the law suit between Al Phillips, the buthcher, and William VanDervort, farmer, over a cow. It seems that Phillips' cow strayed on VanDervort's farm. VanDervort sent her up to a mountain pasture and she went dry. After Phillips had claimed his cow and settled up for her keep, he sued for depreciation. Clifford S. Beattie represented Phillips and Lewis J. Stage appeared for VanDervort. The case was tried before Justice Benedict and a jury in Village Hall. All afternoon was spent on the case and the jury returned with a verdict of $10 damage for the plaintiff.)

Mr. and Mrs. Drew spent several days in the city withnessing the fine play "Rebecca," while in town.

Mr. Gilbert D. Ryerson had the misfortune to lose a $300 horse last week - on of a well matched farm team that had a leg broken from the kick of its mate. The animal was shot by Mr. J. C. Drew.

Jan 1911
(Albert Phillips, Jr., age 17, died from injuries from a farm accident.)

Mr. and Mrs. Jame Ryerson entertained the New Milford Card Culb Saturday evening. The favor winners were Mr. and Mrs. Russ Ferguson, and consolations went to Mrs. John C. Drew and Mr. Clinton Edsall.

Mr. John C. Drew is in the west looking for another carload of horses, expecting to arrive with them on Saturday, the 22nd.

Ryerson's moving pictures will be shown at the New Milford M.E. Church, Tuesday evening, Sept. 5. Proceeds for the benefit of the Church.

The clam bake given Saturday, Sept. 30, 1911, for the benefit of the New Milford M.E. Church was a great success. A vote of thanks is extended to Mr. Walter Minkler of New Milford, who baked it. About 135 people were served.

Mr. C. H. Sweezy, piano turner of Middletown, was through this vicinity Saturday.

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